Archive for February 20th, 2013

February 20, 2013

Incremental counting device for desktop


Rachel lives for vacation. She is going to Hawaii this year  and can’t wait. She is leaving in 100 days and wants to count down toward her vacation. Rachel thinks having a constant reminder of her progress toward vacation will help her get through the tedium of her job.

John’s New Year’s resolution is to scale back on his coffee consumption. At the end of last semester he was drinking as many as 30 cups a week. Rather than going cold turkey, John wants to scale back. He is allowing himself 10 cups a week in 2013 and wants an easy way to keep track of his coffee consumption. He thinks displaying the weekly tally will help shame him into sticking to his resolution and force him to take it seriously.


A device for your desk that lets you keep an incremental count in a visually appealing way. You can count forwards or backwards and keep track of your progress towards your target.

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On the left is a crank that when turned up makes the little human model climb up the mountain, one step at a time, towards the peak which is the target goal.